Species List
Underneath you can find a list of megafauna and other key species from the Late Pleistocene.
Disclaimer: We acknowledge that some taxa may be of unclear classification, with some species and genera potentially overlapping depending on the source. Furthermore inaccurate dating or a lack of dating altogether means that some taxa, though included, have not been conclusively dated to the Late Pleistocene. The taxa are broken down by region, then further subdivided by Class and family. Regionally Extinct taxa are indicated by the ‘†’ Icon, and globally extinct species by ‘††’ this also includes species whose only surviving members are domesticated. Dubious taxa or specimens are denoted by the ‘*’ Icon. Common names are also indicated where possible.
Bison bonasus - Wisent /European Bison (Phylacine approved, Mass 500kg)
††*Bison priscus - Steppe Bison Source (May simply be direct ancestor of B. bonasus) (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Bos primigenius - Aurochs (Phylacine approved, Mass 900kg)
††*Bubalus murrensis - European Water Buffalo Source (Eemian) BA-interstadial source
Capra aegagrus - Wild Goat (Small population in Caucasus)(Taxonomy approved by phylacine, mass under 40kg, species profile already made)
Capra caucasica - Western Tur (Rhys says it is the same species as the Eastern Tur, IUCN begs to differ, splitter-lumper issue) (Phylacine approved, Mass 55kg)
Capra cylindricornis - Eastern Tur (Rhys says it is the same species as the Western Tur, IUCN begs to differ, splitter-lumper issue)(Phylacine approved, Mass 50kg)
Capra ibex - Alpine Ibex (Phylacine approved, Mass 85kg)
Capra pyrenaica - Iberian Ibex (Phylacine approved, Mass 50kg)
Ovibos moschatus - Muskox (Reintroduced in Norway) (Phylacine approved, Mass 340g)
††*Praeovibos priscus - Giant Muskox Source (Should not make list, seems to have gone extinct in the middle Pleistocene)(Not in Phylacine database)
Rupicabra pyrenaica - Pyrenean Chamois (not megafauna size)
Rupicapra rupicabra - Alpine Chamois (not megafauna size)
†Saiga tatarica - Saiga antelope Source (not megafauna)
Alces alces - Elk / Moose (Phylacine approved, Mass 350kg)
Capreolus capreolus - Roe Deer (Not megafauna)
††*Cervalces latifrons - Broad fronted Elk / Moose Source (Not from the late pleistocene, but from the middle pleistocene source)(Not in phylacine dataset)
†Cervus canadensis - Wapiti/Elk source (Phylacine approved, Mass 130kg)
Cervus elaphus - Red Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 130kg)
Dama dama - Fallow Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 56kg)
††Haploidoceros mediterraneus Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 100kg)
††Megaloceros giganteus - Irish Elk / Giant Deer Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 700kg)
Rangifer tarandus - Reindeer / Caribou (Phylacine approved, Mass 86kg)
†Hippopotamus amphibius - Common Hippopotamus Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1400kg)
Sus scrofa - Wild Boar (Phylacine approved, Mass 100kg)
††Camelus knobblochi Source Source (Not in Phylacine dataset)
†Equus ferus - Wild Horse Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 120kg)
†Equus hemionus - Onager / Asiatic Wild Ass Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 200kg)
††Equus (hemionus) hydruntinus - European Wild Ass Source, Appears to be a subspecies of Asian wild ass Source (Phylacine approved as separate species, Mass 227kg)
††Equus (ferus) latipes Source as Equus ferus (Not in Phylacine databsae)
††Equus (ferus) lenensis Source as Equus ferus - Siberian Wild Horse (Not in Phylacine databsae)
††Equus (ferus) uralensis Source as Equus ferus (Not in Phylacine databsae)
††Coelodonta antiquitatis - Woolly Rhinoceros source (Phylacine approved, Mass 2700kg)
††Elasmotherium sibiricum Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 4100kg)
††Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis - Mercks’ Rhinoceros Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 3600kg)
††Stephanorhinus hemitoechus - Narrow-nosed Rhinoceros (SOURCE) (Phylacine approved, Mass 2900kg)
Canis lupus - Grey Wolf (Mass under 40kg, megafauna hunter)
Canis aureus - Golden Jackal (not megafauna sized, may hunt small megafauna)
†Cuon alpinus - Dhole Source (Mass under 40kg, Megafauna hunter)
Ursus arctos - Brown Bear (Phylacine approved, Mass 180kg)
††Ursus ingressus - Gamssulzen Cave bear Source (Does not differ significantly from the Cave bear source) (Not in phylacine database)
†Ursus martimus - Polar Bear Source Known from Europe in the Weischal, but in all likelihood did not occur during the much warmer Eemian (Phylacine approved, Mass 390kg)
††Ursus spelaeus - Cave Bear Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 390kg)
††Ursus savini Source (Appears one of many cave bear species described, can’t find a good study investigating its validity, leave out for now) (Not in phylacine database)
†Ursus thibetanus - Asian Black Bear Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 78kg)
Gulo gulo - Wolverine (not megafauna sized, Megafauna hunter)
†Crocuta crocuta - Spotted Hyeana Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 63kg)
††*Hyeana (hyeana) prisca Source (Hyaena (hyeana) prisca is known from a single fragment from Late Pleistocene Iberia, an assessment to assign to Pliocrocuta is tenuous and based on a single specimen not directly viewed Source) Newer literature considers this a middle Pleistocene species more closely related to the Brown Hyeana (Parahyaena brunnea) and possibly a junior synonym Source
††Homotherium latidens - Scimitar cat Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 190kg)
Lynx lynx - Eurasian Lynx (Not megafauna, but megafauna hunter)
†Panthera leo - Lion Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 161kg)
††Panthera (leo) spelaea - Cave Lion Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 380kg)
Panthera pardus - Leopard (Extant only in the Caucas mountains)(Phylacine approved, Mass 55kg)
†Panthera tigris - Tiger Source (Caucasus only)(Phylacine approved, Mass 162kg)
Castor fiber - European beaver (Definitely not megafauna)
††Homo (sapiens) neanderthalensis - Neanderthal Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 76kg)
††Mammuthus primigenius - Woolly Mammoth Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 6000kg)
††Palaeoloxodon antiquus - European Elephant Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 13000kg)
Northern-Central Asia (Siberia, Altai mountains, Central Asia)
††*Bison occidentalis Source (appears to be conspecific with B. antiquus and B. Priscus)
††Bison priscus - Steppe Bison Source (Not in phylacine database)(part of Bison species complex)
††Bos (Poephagus) baikalensis - Baikal Yak Source
††Bos primigenius - Aurochs Source
Capra falconeri - Markhor (Phylacine approved, Mass 41kg)
Capra sibirica - Siberian Ibex (Phylacine approved, Mass 130kg)
Gazella subgutturosa - Goitered Gazelle (not megafauna sized)
Naemorhedus caudatus - Long-tailed Goral (along the Amur) (not megafauna sized)
Ovibos moschatus - Muskox (Reintroduced in Siberia) (Phylacine approved)
Ovis ammon - Argali (Phylacine approved, Mass 180kg)
Ovis nivicola - Snow Sheep (Phylacine approved, Mass 90kg)
Ovis vignei - Urial
††Praeovibos priscus - Giant Muskox Source (Should not make list, seems to have gone extinct in the middle Pleistocene)(not in Phylacine Database)
Procapra gutturosa - Mongolian Gazelle (not megafauna sized)
Saiga tatarica - Saiga antelope (not megafauna)
††Spiroceros kiakhtensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 790kg)
†Camelus ferus - Wild Bactrian Camel source (Phylacine approved, Mass 790kg)
††Camelus knobblochi Source Source (appears to have possibly evolved into the bactrian camel in the late pleistocene)
Alces alces - Elk / Moose
Capreolus pygargus - Siberian Roe Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 44kg)
††*Cervalces latifrons - Broad fronted Elk / Moose Source (Not from the late pleistocene, but from the middle pleistocene source)
Cervus canadensis - Wapiti/Elk
Cervus elaphus - Red Deer Source
Cervus hanglu - Tarim Red Deer
Cervus nippon - Sika Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 53kg)
††Megaloceros giganteus - Irish Elk / Giant Deer Source
Rangifer tarandus - Reindeer / Caribou
††Sinomegaceros yabei source (Phylacine approved, Mass 390kg)
Sus scrofa - Wild Boar
Equus hemionus - Onager / Asiatic Wild Ass
††Equus (hemionus) hydruntinus - European Wild Ass Source, Appears to be a subspecies of Asian wild ass Source
††Equus (ferus) latipes Source as Equus ferus
††Equus (ferus) lenensis Source as Equus ferus - Siberian Wild Horse
††Equus (ferus) uralensis Source as Equus ferus
††Coelodonta antiquitatis - Woolly Rhinoceros Source
††Elasmotherium sibiricum Source
††Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis - Mercks’ Rhinoceros (Inferred from phylacine)
††Stephanorhinus hemitoechus - Narrow-nosed Rhinoceros (Inferred from phylacine)
††Aenocyon dirus - Dire Wolf Source
Canis lupus - Grey Wolf
†Cuon alpinus - Dhole/Asian Wild Dog Source (Not megafauna sized, megafauna hunter)
Ursus arctos - Brown Bear
††Ursus spelaeus - Cave Bear Source
†Acinonyx jubatus - Cheetah Source (Central Asia only) (Phylacine approved, Mass 64kg)
Lynx lynx - Eurasian Lynx
†Panthera leo - Lion (In central Asia) Source
Panthera pardus - Leopard (Along the Amur river)
††Panthera (leo) spelaea - Cave Lion Source
Panthera tigris - Tiger
Panthera uncia - Snow Leopard (Altai mountains) (Phylacine approved, Mass 44kg)
†Crocuta crocuta - Spotted Hyena Source
Castor fiber - European beaver
††Trogontherium cuvieri Source (Not in phylacine database)
††Homo (sapiens) neanderthalensis - Neanderthal Source
††Mammuthus primigenius - Woolly Mammoth Source
††Mammuthus trogontherii - Steppe Mammoth Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
Aves - Birds
Struthionidae - Ostriches
††Struthio anderssoni - East Asian Ostrich Source
The Near/Middle East
†Alcelaphus buselaphus - Hartebeest Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 170kg)
Arabitragus jayakari - Arabian Tahr (Not megafauna sized)
††Bison priscus - Steppe Bison Source (May simply be direct ancestor of B. bonasus)
††Bos primigenius - Aurochs Source
Capra aegagrus - Wild Goat
Capra nubiana - Nubian Ibex
Capra sibirica - Siberian Ibex
Gazella arabica - Arabian Gazelle (Probably too small to constitute megafauna)
††Gazella bilkis - Queen of Sheba's Gazelle Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 48kg)
Gazella gazella - Mountain Gazelle (Too small to constitute megafauna)
††Gazella saudiya - Saudi Gazelle Source (Too small to constitute megafauna)
Gazella subgutturosa - Goitered Gazelle (Not megafauna sized)
Oryx leucoryx - Arabian Oryx (Phylacine approved, Mass 88kg)
Ovis gmelini - Mouflon (Phylacine approved, Mass 60kg)
Ovis vignei - Urial (Missing from phylacine dataset)
††Camelus concordiae Source (Not in phylacine database)
††*Camelus dromedarius - Wild Dromedary Source (based on artwork)
††Camelus moreli Source (Not in phylacine database)
††*Camelus thomasi source dispute (questionable)
Capreolus capreolus - Roe Deer (Not megafauna sized)
Cervus elaphus - Red Deer
Dama mesopotamica - Persian Fallow Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 73kg)
†Hippopotamus amphibius - Hippopotamus Source
Sus scrofa - Wild Boar
Equus hemionus - Onager / Asiatic Wild Ass
††Equus (hemionus) hydruntinus - European Wild Ass, Appears to be a subspecies of Asian wild ass Source
††Stephanorhinus hemitoechus - Narrow-nosed Rhinoceros (Range inferred from Phylacine, need to corroborate with paper)
††Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis - Merks’ Rhinoceros (Range inferred from Phylacine)
Castor fiber - European beaver Source (Not megafauna sized)
Canis lupus - Grey Wolf
Ursus arctos - Brown Bear
Ursus thibetanus - Asian Black Bear
†Crocuta crocuta - Spotted Hyena Source
Hyaena hyaena - Striped Hyena (Phylacine approved, Mass 41kg)
Felidae - Cats
Acinonyx jubatus - Cheetah
Lynx lynx - Eurasian Lynx (not megafauna sized, megafauna hunter)
†Panthera leo - Lion Source
Panthera pardus - Leopard
†Panthera tigris - Tiger Source
Cercopithecidae - Old World Monkeys
Papio hamadryas - Hamadryas Baboon (not megafauna sized)
††Homo (sapiens) neanderthalensis - Neanderthal Source
†Elephas maximus - Asian Elephant source (Phylacine approved, Mass 3100kg)
††Palaeoloxodon antiquus - European Elephant Source
Aves - Birds
Struthionidae - Ostriches
†Struthio camelus - Common Ostrich Source
Indian Subcontinent
Antilope cervicapra - Blackbuck (Not megafauna sized)
††Bos (primigenius) namadicus - Indian Aurochs Source
Bos gaurus - Gaur (Phylacine approved, Mass 830kg)
Boselaphus tragocamelus - Nilgai (Phylacine approved, Mass 169kg)
Bubalus arnee - Wild Water Buffalo (Phylacine approved, Mass 730kg)
††Bubalus (arnee) palaeindicus (Turvey et al 2021) (Not in phylacine database as distinct species)
Capra falconeri - Markhor (Phylacine approved, Mass 41kg)
Nilgiritragus hylocrius - Nilgiri Tahr (Phylacine approved, Mass 75kg)
††Sivacobus sankaliai Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 79kg)
Axis axis - Chital (Phylacine approved, Mass 66kg)
Axis porcinus - Hog Deer (Not megafauna)
Cervus canadensis - Wapiti (Kashmir only)
Rucervus duvaucelii - barasingha (Phylacine approved, Mass 140kg)
Rusa unicolour - Sambar (Phylacine approved, Mass 180kg)
††Hexaprotodon namadicus Source (H. namadicus & H. Palaeindicus probably constitute sexual dimorphs Source) (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Hexaprotodon palaeindicus Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
††*Hexaprotodon sinhaleyus - Sri Lankan Hippopotamus Source (No dating has been conducted, may not be late Pleistocene)(Sri Lanka should possibly have its own section) (Not in phylacine dataset)
Sus scrofa - Wild Boar
††*Sus karnuliensis Source (Only reported a single occurrence, unclear how it is distinguishable from S. scrofa)(Not in phylacine dataset)
††*Sus palaeindicus Source (Nomen dumbium)(Not in phylacine dataset)
Equus hemionus - Onager / Asiatic Wild Ass
††Equus ‘namadicus Source closely related to Zebra Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
Rhinoceros unicornis - Indian Rhinoceros (Phylacine approved, Mass 1600kg)
†Rhinoceros sondaicus - Javan Rhinoceros Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1800kg)
†Dicerorhinus sumatrensis - Sumatran Rhinoceros Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1200kg)
Canis lupus - Grey Wolf
Cuon alpinus - Dhole/Asian wild dog
Melursus ursinus - Sloth Bear (Phylacine approved, Mass 93kg)
Ursus thibetanus - Asian Black Bear
†Crocuta crocuta - Spotted Hyena Source
Hyaena hyaena - Striped Hyena
Felidae - Cats
†Acinonyx jubatus - Cheetah Source
Neofelis nebulosa - Clouded Leopard (Confirm diet?)
Panthera leo - Lion
Panthera pardus - Leopard
Panthera tigris - Tiger
Elephas maximus - Asian Elephant
††Palaeoloxodon namadicus - Asian Straight Tusked Mammoth Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 14000kg)
††Stegodon namadicus Source (Not in phylacine database)
††*Stegodon insignis-ganesa Source (No statement of it occurring during the late Pleistocene)
Reptilia - Reptiles
Pythonidae - Pythons
Python bivittatus - Burmese Python
Crocodylidae - Crocodiles
††Crocodylis palaeindicus Source (May be the ancestral form of C. palustris, also Late Pleistocene remains may also be referable to this taxa)
Crocodylis palustris - Mugger Crocodile
Crocodylus porosus - Saltwater Crocodile
Gavialidae - Gharials
Gavialis gangeticus - Gharial
Aves - Birds
Struthionidae - Ostriches
††Struthio sp. - Indian Ostritch Source (Possibly S. camelus, but could also belong to S. asiaticus) DNA study confirms as S. camelus source
East Asia (China (Except South China), Korea and Tibetan Plateau and Himalayas)
Bos mutus - Wild Yak (Phylacine approved, Mass 550kg)
††Bos primigenius - Aurochs Source
††*Bison exiguus Source (Maybe steppe Bison? Hard to corroborate the species)
††Bubalus mephistopheles - Short-horned water buffalo Source
*††Buballus wansjocki Source (synonym of B. Mephistopheles)
Budorcas taxicolor - Takin (Phylacine approved, Mass 300kg)
Capra sibirica - Siberian Ibex
Capricornis sumatraensis - Mainland Serow (Phylacine approved, Mass 88kg)
Capricornis swinhoei - Taiwan Serow (Not quite megafauna size)(Taiwan own section)
††Gazella sp. source (May not be megafauna sized, could be goitered Gazelle)
Gazella subgutturosa - Goitered Gazelle (not megafauna sized)
Hemitragus jemlahicus - Himalayan Tahr (Not megafauna sized)
Naemorhedus baileyi - Red Goral (Not megafauna sized)
Naemorhedus caudatus - Long-tailed Goral (Not megafauna)
Naemorhedus goral - Himalayan Goral (Not megafauna)
Naemorhedus griseus - Chinese Goral (Not megafauna)
Ovis ammon - Argali
†Procapra gutturosa - Mongolian Gazelle (Not megafauna sized)
Procapra przewalskii - Przewalksi Gazelle (Not megafauna sized)
Pseudois nayaur - Blue Sheep (Phylacine approved, Mass 45kg)
Pseudois schaeferi - Dwarf Blue Sheep (May simply be variant of the Blue Sheep) (Probably not megafauna sized)
Pseudoryx nghetinhensis - Saola (Phylacine approved, Mass 85kg)
††Spirocerus kiakhtensis Source
Camelus ferus - Wild Bactrian Camel
††Camelus knobblochi source
Alces Alces - Elk/Moose
Capreolus pygargus - Siberian Roe Deer
Cervus albirostris - White-lipped Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 130kg)
Cervus canadensis - Wapiti/Elk
Cervus nippon - Sika Deer
Elaphurus davidianus - Père David's Deer Source (Listed as extinct in the wild, reintroduced population still needs to prove long-term viability) (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
††Megaloceros ordosianus source (Is actually ††Sinomegaceros yabei, simply a junior synonym) (Species not in phylacine dataset)
†Rangifer tarandus - Reindeer / Caribou Source
Rusa unicolour - Sambar
††Sinomegaceros yabei source
Sus scrofa - Wild Boar
††Equus (ferus) daliensis Source as equus ferus (Species not in phylacine dataset)
Equus hemionus - Onager / Asiatic Wild Ass
Equus kiang - Kiang (treated as Equus hemionus in phylacine dataset)
Equus (ferus) przewalskii - Przewalskii’s horse (treated as Equus ferus in phylacine dataset)
††Coelodonta antiquitatis - Woolly Rhinoceros Source
†Rhinoceros unicornis - Indian Rhinoceros Source
††Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis - Mercks’ Rhinoceros Source
Canis lupus - Grey Wolf
Cuon alpinus - Dhole/Asian wild dog (Not megafauna, but megafauna hunter)
Ailuropoda melanoleuca - Giant Panda (Phylacine approved, Mass 108kg)
†Helarctos malayanus - Sun Bear Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 47kg)
Ursus arctos - Brown Bear
Ursus thibetanus - Asian Black Bear
†Crocuta crocuta - Spotted Hyena Source
Lynx lynx - Eurasian Lynx
Neofelis nebulosa - Clouded Leopard
Panthera pardus - Leopard
†Panthera tigris - Tiger Source
Panthera uncia - Snow Leopard
Castor fiber- European beaver (Not megafauna sized, but keystone species)
††Trogontherium cuvieri Source
†Elephas maximus - Asian Elephant
††Mammuthus primigenius - Woolly Mammoth Source
††Mammuthus trogontherii - Steppe Mammoth Source
††Palaeoloxodon namadicus - Asian Straight-tusked elephant Source & Source
††Steogodon orientalis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 2000kg)
Pythonidae - Pythons
Python bivittatus - Burmese Python
Alligator sinensis - Chinese Alligator
Aves - Birds
Struthionidae - Ostriches
††Struthio anderssoni - East Asian Ostrich Source (Rhys says taxa is S. asiaticus, literature agrees, unsure which taxa is valid, going with asiaticus, more commonly referred to Source)
South-East Asia (Sundaland, Indochina and Southern China)
Bos gaurus - Gaur
Bos javanicus - Banteng (Phylacine approved, Mass 700kg)
††Bos palaesondaicus Source (Can’t corroborate taxa during late pleistocene, might be synonymous to B. javanicus according to Rhys)
†?Bos sauveli - Kouprey (Possibly extinct) (Phylacine approved, Mass 800kg)
Bubalus arnee - Wild Water Buffalo
††Bubalus palaeokerabau - Long-horned Javan water buffalo Source (Java own section?) (Phylacine approved, Mass 1100kg) (Phylacine approved, Mass 1100kg)
Capricornis rubidus - Red Serow (Phylacine approved, Mass 88kg)
Capricornis sumatraensis - Mainland Serow
Naemorhedus griseus - Chinese Goral (Not megafauna)
Cervidae - Deer
Axis kuhlii - Bawean (Hog) Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 55kg)
†Axis porcinus - Hog Deer Source (not megafauna)
Cervus nippon - Sika Deer
Rucervus eldii - Eld’s Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 73kg)
Rucervus schomburgki -Schomburgk's Deer Source
Rusa timorensis - Javan Rusa (Java own section) (Phylacine approved, Mass 63kg)
Rusa unicolour - Sambar
††Hexaprotodon sivalensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 300kg)
Sus barbatus - Bornean bearded pig (Phylacine approved, Mass 71kg)
††*Sus brachygnathus Source May simply be the ancestor of S. verrucosus (Not in phylacine database)
††*Sus bucculentus Source and dispute (Phylacine approved, Mass 100kg)
††Sus macrognathus Source (Apparently synonymous with S. verrucosus according to Rhys) (Not in phylacine database)
Sus scrofa - Wild Boar
Sus verrucosus - Javan Warty Pig (Java own section) (Phylacine approved, Mass 93kg)
Dicerorhinus sumatrensis - Sumatran Rhinoceros
††*Rhinoceros sinensis Source Dispute (Appears an invalid taxa)
Rhinoceros sondaicus - Javan Rhinoceros
†Rhinoceros unicornis - Indian Rhinoceros Source
††(Mega)tapirus augustus - Giant Tapir Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 570kg)
Tapirus indicus - Malay Tapir (Phylacine approved, Mass 300kg)
Cuon alpinus - Dhole/Asian wild dog (not megafauna sized, megafauna hunter)
*††Cuon trinilensis - Trinil Dog Source (not megafauna sized, megafauna hunter?) (No evidence of late pleistocene presence)
†Ailuropoda melanoleuca - Giant Panda Source
Helarctos malayanus - Sun Bear
Ursus thibetanus - Asian Black Bear
†Crocuta crocuta - Spotted Hyeana
*††Hyaena brevirostris Source (Middle pleistocene) (Not in phylacine database)
Felidae - Cats
Neofelis diardi - Sunda Clouded Leopard
Neofelis nebulosa - Clouded Leopard
Panthera pardus - Leopard
Panthera tigris - Tiger
Manidae - Pangolins
††Manis paleojavanica - Giant (Asian) Pangolin Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 41kg)
Hominidae - Great Apes
††Homo erectus Source
Pongo abelii - Sumatran Orangutan (Recent divergence from P. pygmaeus) (Phylacine approved, Mass 57kg)
††Pongo devosi (Extinct species from Vietnam and Southern China) Source (Not in phylacine database)
††Pongo duboisi (Extinct sumatran orangutan, probably ancestor of P. abelii. ') Source (Not in phylacine database)
††Pongo javensis - Javan Orangutan Source (Not in phylacine database)
††Pongo palaeosumatrensis (Extinct sumatran orangutan, probably ancestor of P. abelii. Leaving out for now) Source
Pongo pygmaeus - Bornean Orangutan (Phylacine approved, Mass 57kg)
Pongo tapanuliensis - Tapanuli Orangutan (Recent divergence from P. pygmaeus/abelii) (Not in phylacine database)
††*Elephas hysudrindicus Source (Probably middle Pleistocene) (Not in phylacine database)
Elephas maximus - Asian Elephant
††Palaeoloxodon namadicus - Asian Straight-tusked elephant Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 13000kg)
††Steogodon orientalis Source
††Stegodon trigonocephalus Source (Rhys suggests synonymy with S. orientalis, can’t find any literature proposing this idea, it’s entirely possible has been classified differently due to javan endemism) (Phylacine approved, Mass 1300kg)
Pythonidae - Pythons
Malayopython reticulatus - Reticulated Python
Python bivittatus - Burmese Python
Crocodylus porosus - Saltwater Crocodile
Crocodylus siamensis - Siamese Crocodile
Tomistoma schlegelii - False Gharial
North Africa
Addax nasomaculatus - Addax (Phylacine approved, Mass 70kg)
†Alcelaphus buselaphus - Hartebeest Source
Ammotragus lervia - Barbary Sheep (Phylacine approved, Mass 48kg)
††Bos primigenius - Aurochs Source
Capra nubiana - Nubian Ibex (Phylacine approved, Mass 63kg)
††*Eudorcas rufina - Red Gazelle (Considered extinct in the 20th century, listed as data deficient due to possible belonging to E. rufifrons) (Phylacine approved, Mass 40kg) Source
Eudorcas tilonura - Heuglin’s Gazelle (not quite megafauna sized)
††Gazella atlantica - Atlantic Gazelle Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 45kg)
Gazella cuvieri - Cuvier’s Gazelle (not megafauna sized)
Gazella leptoceros - Rhim Gazelle (not megafauna sized)
††Gazella tingitana Source (Size?)(Not megafauna sized)
Nanger dama - Dama Gazelle (megafauna sized)(Phylacine approved, Mass 73kg)
†Oryx dammah - Scimitar-horned Oryx (Extinct in the wild)(Phylacine approved, Mass 200kg)
††Syncerus antiquus - Giant Buffalo Source (Not in phylacine database)
Cervus elaphus - Red Deer
††Megaceroides algericus - African Deer Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 800kg)
†Hippopotamus amphibius - Hippopotamus Source
Sus scrofa - Wild Boar
††*Camelus thomasi - Source (Dubious classification, may belong to C. thomasi or undescribed taxa, Perhaps should simply be indicated as Camelus sp.)(Not in phylacine dataset)
Equus africanus - African Wild Ass (Phylacine approved, Mass 275kg)
††Equus (ferus) algericus Source as Equus ferus (Species not in phylacine dataset)
††Equus mauritanicus Source (possible synonymous with E. quagga)(Species not in phylacine dataset)
††Equus melkiensis Source (Possibly synonymous with Equus africanus)(Species not in phylacine dataset)
††Ceratotherium mauritanicum Source (Source corrupted, can’t refind, leave out for now, appears to be early pleistocene taxon)(Species not in phylacine dataset)
†Ceratotherium simum — White Rhinoceros Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 2900kg)
††Stephanorhinus hemitoechus - Narrow-nosed Rhinoceros Source
††*Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis - Merks’ Rhinoceros Source (Possibly misidentified S. hemitoechus)
Canis lupaster - African (Golden) Wolf (not megafauna, not megafauna hunter)
†?Lycaon pictus - African Wild Dog/Painted Dog (not megafauna, but megafauna hunter)
†Ursus arctos - Brown Bear Source
†Crocuta crocuta - Spotted Hyena Source
Hyaena hyaena - Striped Hyena
Felidae - Cats
Acinonyx jubatus - Cheetah
†Panthera leo - Lion Source
Panthera pardus - Leopard (Remnant in Egypt, possibly in Algeria and Morocco)
Cercopithecidae - Old World Monkeys
Papio anubis - Olive baboon (not quite megafauna size)
††*Elephas iolensis Source Dispute (May have strong affinities to extant elephant or other extinct elephants) (Actually Palaeoloxodon source) (Phylacine approved, Mass 6500kg)
†Loxodonta africana - African Elephant Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 4400kg)
Crocodylus niloticus - Nile Crocodile
Aves - Birds
Struthionidae - Ostriches
Struthio camelus - Common Ostrich
Sub-Saharan Africa
Aepyceros melampus - Impala (Phylacine approved, Mass 52kg)
††Aepyrceros sp. Source (Not in phylacine database)
Alcelaphus buselaphus - Hartebeest
Ammodorcas clarkei - Dibatag (not megafauna)
††Antidorcas australis - Southern Springbok Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 40kg)
††Antidorcas bondi Source (Not megafauna)
Antidorcas marsupialis - Springbok (Not megafauna)
Beatragus hunteri - Hirola ( (Phylacine approved, Mass 80kg)
Capra walie - Walia Ibex (Phylacine approved, Mass 100kg)
Cephalophus jentinki - Jentink’s Duiker (Phylacine approved, Mass 70kg)
Cephalophus silvicultor - Yellow-backed Duiker (Phylacine approved, Mass 72kg)
Cephalophus spadix - Abbott’s Duiker (Phylacine approved, Mass 56kg)
Connochaetes gnou - Black Wildebeest (Phylacine approved, Mass 180kg)
Connochaetes taurinus - Blue Wildebeest (Phylacine approved, Mass 180kg)
††Damaliscus hypsodon Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 60kg)
Damaliscus lunatus - Common Tsessebe (Phylacine approved, Mass 136kg)
††Damaliscus niro Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
Damaliscus pygargus - Bontebok (Phylacine approved, Mass 100kg)
Eudorcas albonotata - Mongalla Gazelle (not quite megafauna)
Eudorcas rufifrons - Red-fronted Gazelle (not quite megafauna)
Eudorcas thomsonii - Thomson’s Gazelle (not quite megafauna)
Eudorcas tilonura - Heuglin’s Gazelle (not quite megafauna)
Hippotragus equinus - Roan Antelope ((Phylacine approved, Mass 260kg)
Hippotragus niger - Sable Antelope (Phylacine approved, Mass 230kg)
††Hippotragus leucophaeus - Blue Antelope Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
Kobus ellipsiprymnus - Waterbuck (Phylacine approved, Mass 210kg)
Kobus kob - Kob (Phylacine approved, Mass 79kg)
Kobus leche - Lechwe (Phylacine approved, Mass 110kg)
Kobus megaceros - Nile Lechwe (Phylacine approved, Mass 88kg)
Kobus vardonii - Puku (Phylacine approved, Mass 72kg)
Litocranius walleri - Gerenuk
††*Makapnia sp. Source (Unclear if fossils belong to this taxa or an unnamed caprine)(Not in phylacine database)
††Megalotragus priscus - Giant Wildebeest Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 200kg)
†Nanger dama - Dama Gazelle
Nanger granti - Grant’s Gazelle (Phylacine approved, Mass 55kg)
Nanger soemmerringii - Soemmerring's gazelle (Phylacine approved, Mass 40kg)
Oryx beisa - East African Oryx (Phylacine approved, Mass 170kg)
Oryx gazella - Gemsbok (Phylacine approved, Mass 170kg)
Redunca arundinum - Southern Reedbuck (Phylacine approved, Mass 58kg)
Redunca fulvorufula - Mountain Reedbuck (not quite megafauna sized)
Redunca redunca - Bohor Reedbuck (Phylacine approved, Mass 44kg)
††Rusingoryx atopocranion Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
††Syncerus antiquus - Giant Buffalo Source
Syncerus caffer - African Buffalo (Phylacine approved, Mass 580kg)
Tragelaphus angasii - Nyala (Phylacine approved, Mass 87kg)
Tragelaphus buxtoni - Mountain Nyala (Phylacine approved, Mass 220kg)
Taurotragus derbianus - Giant Eland (Phylacine approved, Mass 680kg)
Tragelaphus eurycerus - Bongo (Phylacine approved, Mass 330kg)
Tragelaphus imberbis - Lesser Kudu (Phylacine approved, Mass 82kg)
Taurotragus oryx - Common Eland (Phylacine approved, Mass 570kg)
Tragelaphus scriptus - harnessed bushbuck (Phylacine approved, Mass 43kg)
Tragelaphus spekii - Marshbuck (Phylacine approved, Mass 78kg)
Tragelaphus strepsiceros - Greater Kudu (Phylacine approved, Mass 580kg)
Tragelaphus sylvaticus - Bushbuck
Giraffidae - Giraffes
Giraffa camelopardalis - Northern giraffe (Some studies suggest this is the only valid giraffe taxon)(Phylacine approved, Mass 900kg)
*Giraffa giraffe - Southern giraffe (Species not recognised in Phylacine)
*Giraffa reticulata - Reticulated giraffe (Species not recognised in Phylacine)
*Giraffa tippelskirchii - Masai giraffe (Species not recognised in Phylacine)
Okapia johnstoni - Okapi (Phylacine approved, Mass 230kg)
Choeropsis/Hexaprotodon liberiensis - Pygmy Hippopotamus (Phylacine approved, Mass 240kg)
Hippopotamus amphibius - Common Hippopotamus
Hylochoerus meinertzhageni - Giant Forest Hog (Phylacine approved, Mass 190kg)
††Kolpochoerus majus Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 2600kg)
††Metridiochoerus sp. - Giant Warthog Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 140kg)
Phacochoerus aethiopicus - Desert Warthog (Phylacine approved, Mass 71kg)
Phacochoerus africanus - Common Warthog (Phylacine approved, Mass 83kg)
Potamochoerus larvatus - Bush Pig (Phylacine approved, Mass 98kg)
Potamochoerus porcus - Red River Hog (Phylacine approved, Mass 70kg)
Equus africanus - African Wild Ass
††Equus capensis - Cape Zebra Source (Source part of E. quagga)(Not in phylacine dataset)
Equus grevyi — Grevy’s Zebra (Phylacine approved, Mass 350kg)
Equus quagga - Plains Zebra (Phylacine approved, Mass 175kg)
Equus zebra - Mountain Zebra (Phylacine approved, Mass 240kg)
Ceratotherium simum — White Rhinoceros
Diceros bicornis - Black Rhinoceros (Phylacine approved, Mass 1200kg)
Canis lupaster - African (Golden) Wolf (Not megafauna sized, not megafauna hunter)
Canis simensis - Ethiopian Wolf (Not megafauna sized, not megafauna hunter)
Lycaon pictus - African Wild Dog/Painted Dog (Not megafauna sized, megafauna hunter)
Hyaenidae - Hyenas
Crocuta crocuta - Spotted Hyena
Hyaena brunnea - Brown Hyena (Not megafauna sized according to phylacine, check diet)
Hyaena hyaena - Striped Hyena
Felidae - Cats
Acinonyx jubatus - Cheetah
Panthera leo - Lion
Panthera pardus - Leopard
Manidae - Pangolins
Smutsia gigantea - Giant Pangolin (Not quite megafauna sized)
Smutsia temminckii - Ground Pangolin (not quite megafauna sized)
Cercopithecidae - Old World Monkeys
Papio anubis - Olive baboon (not quite megafauna sized)
Papio cynocephalus - Yellow Baboon (not quite megafauna sized)
Papio hamadryas - Hamadryas Baboon (not quite megafauna sized)
Papio ursinus - Chacma Baboon (just barely megafauna sized)
Mandrillus leucophaeus - Drill (not quite megafauna sized)
Mandrillus sphinx - Mandrill (just barely megafauna sized)
Hominidae - Great Apes
Gorilla gorilla - Western Gorilla (Phylacine approved, Mass 120kg)
Gorilla beringei - Eastern Gorilla (Phylacine approved, Mass 130kg)
Pan troglodytes - Chimpanzee (Phylacine approved, Mass 43kg)
Pan paniscus - Bonobo
††*Elephas recki Source & Dispute (May have strong affinities to extant elephant or other extinct elephants) (Not Late Pleistocene) (Actually Palaeoloxodon source)(Species not in phylacine dataset)
††*Palaeoloxodon iolensis Source Dispute (May have strong affinities to extant elephant or other extinct elephants) (Actually Palaeoloxodon source)
Loxodonta africana - African Savannah Elephant
Loxodonta cyclotis - African Forest Elephant (Species not in phylacine dataset)
Orycteropus afer - Aardvark (Phylacine approved, Mass 52kg)
††Orycteropus crassidens Source (Species not in phylacine dataset)
Pythonidae - Pythons
Python sebae - African Rock Python
Crocodylidae - Crocodiles
Crocodylus niloticus - Nile Crocodile
Osteolaemus tetraspis - African Dwarf Crocodile
Mecistops cataphractus - Slender-snouted Crocodile
Testudinidae - Tortoises
Centrochelys sulcata - African Spurred Tortoise
Struthionidae - Ostriches
Struthio camelus - Common Ostrich
Struthio molybdophanes - Somali Ostrich
North America:
††Bison antiquus Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
Bison bison - American Bison (Phylacine approved, Mass 580kg)
††Bison latifrons - Long-horned bison Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
††*Bison occidentalis Source (May be conspecific with B. antiquus or B. Priscus) (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Bison priscus - Steppe Bison Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Bootherium bombifrons - Helmeted Muskox Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 300kg)
††Euceratherium collinum - Shrub Ox Source Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 450kg)
Oreamnos americanus - Mountain Goat (Phylacine approved, Mass 73kg)
††Oreamnos harringtoni Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 75kg)
Ovibos moschatus - Muskox
Ovis canadensis - Bighorn Sheep (Phylacine approved, Mass 75kg)
Ovis dalli - Dall Sheep (Phylacine approved, Mass 56kg)
††Praeovibos priscus - Giant Muskox Source (Should not make list, seems to have gone extinct in the middle Pleistocene)(Not in phylacine database)
†Saiga tartarica/borealis - Saiga antelope Source (status of Saiga borealis as a synonym of tartarica seems unclear)(not megafauna)
Alces alces - Elk / Moose
††Bretzia nebrascensis Source (Rhys suggests this is an invalid species, leaving out for now, may revisit validity later)(Not in phylacine database)
††Cervalces scotti - Elk-moose Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 630kg)
Cervus canadensis - Wapiti/Elk
Mazama pandora - Yucatan brown brocket (Not megafauna)
Mazama temama - Central American red brocket (Not megafauna)
Odocoileus hemionus - Mule Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 54kg)
††Odocoileus lucasi Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
Odocoileus virginianus - White-tailed Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 56kg)
Rangifer tarandus - Reindeer / Caribou
††Torontoceros hypogaeus Source (Rhys suggests this is an invalid species, leaving out for now, may revisit validity later)(Not in phylacine dataset)
Antilocapridae - Pronghorns
Antilocapra americana - Pronghorn (Phylacine approved, Mass 46kg)
††Capromeryx mexicanus Source(Rhys suggests Capromeryx to contain only a single species)(Not megafauna)(Not in phylacine database)
††Capromeryx minor Source (Not megafauna)
††Stockoceros conklingi Source (size?) (Phylacine approved, Mass 51kg)
††Tetrameryx mooseri Source (size?)(Rhys suggests Tetrameryx to contain only a single species)(Not in phylacine database)
††Tetrameryx shuleri Source (size?) (Phylacine approved, Mass 60kg)
††Tetrameryx tacubayensis Source (size?)(Not in phylacine database)
Tayassuidae - Peccarys
††Muknalia minima source (Not megafauna)(Synonymous with p. tacaju source)
††Mylohyus nasutus - Long-nosed Peccary Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 75kg)
Pecari tajacu - Collared Peccary (not megafauna)
††Platygonus alemanii source (Probably synonymous with P. compressus Source)
††Platygonus compressus source Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 110kg)
††Platygonus ticuli source (Probably synonymous with P. compressus Source)(Not in phylacine database)
Tayassu pecari - White-lipped Peccary (Not megafauna)
††Camelops hesternus Source (Confirmed as only valid LP Camelops species Source)(Phylacine approved, Mass 1100kg)
††*Camelops nevadanus Source (Rhys calls validity into question, hard to corroborate this taxa in literature beyond a single dietary study)(Not in phylacine dataset)
††Hemiauchenia gracilis Source (Rhys suggests synonymity with H. macrocephala, however literature does not have this as consensus, keeping for now)(Not in phylacine dataset)
††Hemiauchenia macrocephala Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 110kg)
††Palaeolama mirifica Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 80kg)
††*Equus conversidens Source (Synonymous with H. francisci Source)(Not in phylacine database)
††*E.quus cedralensis Source (Synonymous with Harringtonhippus francisci source) (Not in phylacine database)
††Equus ferus source
††Haringtonhippus francisci source (Often Equus francisci) (Phylacine approved, Mass 370kg)
Tapirus bairdii - Baird's Tapir (Phylacine approved, Mass 300kg)
††Tapirus veroensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 280kg)
††Aenocyon dirus - Dire Wolf Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 64kg)
Canis latrans - Coyote (not megafauna, but megafauna hunter? Corroborate diet)
Canis lupus - Grey Wolf
Canis rufus - Red Wolf (not megafauna, but megafauna hunter)
†Cuon alpinus - Dhole Source (not megafauna, but megafauna hunter)
††Protocyon troglodytes Source(not megafauna, but megafauna hunter)
††Arctodus simus Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 710kg)
††Tremarctos floridanus - Florida Spectacled Bear Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
Ursus americanus - American Black Bear (Phylacine approved, Mass 100kg)
Ursus arctos - Brown Bear
Ursus maritimus - Polar Bear
††Homotherium latidens - Scimitar Cat Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 190kg)(Species originally considered H. serum, but this study supports a single species)
††Miracionyx trumani - American Cheetah (Source: The big cats and their fossil relatives)(Phylacine approved, Mass 88kg)
††Panthera atrox - American Lion Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 210kg)
Panthera onca - Jaguar (Phylacine approved, Mass 100kg)
††Panthera (leo) spelaea - Cave Lion Source
Puma concolor - Cougar (Phylacine approved, Mass 52kg)
††Smilodon fatalis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 220kg)
Castor canadensis - North American beaver (not megafauna)
††Castoroides dilophidus Source (Possibly synonymous with C. Ohioensis)(Not in phylacine database)
††Castoroides ohioensis - Giant Beaver Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 80kg)
††Neochoerus aesopi - Giant Capybara Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 93kg)
††Mixotoxodon larensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1000kg)
††Megalonyx jeffersonii Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1100kg)
††Megalonyx sp. Source (Not in phylacine database)
††Xibalbaonyx oviceps Source (Not in phylacine database)
††Eremotherium laurillardi Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 3900kg)
††Paramylodon harlani Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1400kg)
††Nothrotheriops shastensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 460kg)
Myrmecophagidae - Anteaters
Myrmecophaga tridactyla - Giant Anteater (not megafauna size)
††Holmesina septentrionalis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 216kg)
††Pampatherium mexicanum Source (Not in phylacine database)
††Glyptotherium texanum Source Source (Not in phylacine database)
†Elephantidae - Elephants
††Mammuthus columbi - Columbian Mammoth Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 9500kg)
††*Mammuthus jeffersoni Source & Dispute (not in phylacine database)
††Mammuthus primigenius - Woolly Mammoth Source
††Mammut americum - American Mastodon Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 8000kg)
††Cuvieronis hyodon Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 6200kg)
Alligator mississippiensis - American Alligator
Caiman crocodilus - Spectacled Caiman
Crocodylus acutus - American Crocodile
Crocodylus moreletii - Mexican Crocodile
††Hesperotestudo crassiscutata - Southeastern Giant Tortoise Source
††Hesperotestudo sp. - Mesoamerican Giant Tortoise Source
South America:
††Agalmaceros blicki Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 60kg)
††Antifer ensenadensis Source (Rhys suggests, junior synonym of A. ultra, from what I can find in literature this species is currently valid, though there is need of evalutation of the genus, keeping for now) (Differentiated based solely on antler structure, may be invalid species)
††*Antifer niemeyeri Source (junior synonym of A. ultra)
††Antifer ultra Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 86kg (Mass revised to ca. 200kg, see species profile)
Blastocerus dichotomus - Marsh Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 86kg)
††Charitoceros tarijensis Source (not in phylacine database)
††Epieuryceros proximus Source (Not in phylacine database, species profile already made)
Hippocamelus antisensis - North Andean Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 68kg)
Hippocamelus bisulcus - South Andean Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 70kg)
Mazama americana - Red Brocket (not megafauna according to phylacine)
Mazama bricenii - Mérida brocket (not megafauna according to phylacine)
Mazama temama - Central American red brocket (not megafauna according to phylacine)
Mazama tienhoveni - Fair brocket (not megafauna according to phylacine)
††Morenelaphus brachyceros Source (Recent study in Spanish finds this is the only valid species in Morenelaphus source) (Phylacine approved, Mass 50kg)
††Morenelaphus lujanensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 50kg)
Odocoileus virginianus - White-tailed Deer
Ozotoceros bezoarticus - Pampas Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 40kg)
††Paraceros fragilis Source Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 50kg)
Tayassuidae - Peccarys
††Brasiliochoerus stenocephalus source
††Catagonus bonaerensis source (Not in phylacine database, probably not megafauna)
††Catagonus stenocephalus (not megafauna, found in phylacine database)
Parachoerus wagneri- Chacoan peccary (not megafauna) (Formerly catagonus)
Tayassu pecari - White-lipped Peccary (not megafauna)
††Eulamaops parallelus Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Hemiauchenia paradoxa Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 100kg)
††Lama castelnaudi Source (not in phylacine dataset)
Lama guanicoe - Guanaco (Phylacine approved, Mass 120kg)
††Palaeolama major Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1100kg)
††Palaeolama weddelli Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1000kg)
††Vicugna provicugna Source (not in phylacine dataset)
Vicugna vicugna - Vicuña (Phylacine approved, Mass 47kg)
††Equus (ferus) neogeus Source as a member of Equus ferus (not in phylacine database)
††Hippidion devillei Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 310kg)
††Hippidion principale Source Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 510kg)
††*Hippidion saldiasi - Source and Dispute (Despite being different morphologically, genetic studies suggest may be conspecific with H. principale)(Not in phylacine database)
Tapirus bairdii - Baird's Tapir
††Tapirus crystatellus Source (not in phylacine dataset)
††Tapirus mesopotamicus Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
Tapirus pinchaque - Mountain Tapir (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
††Tapirus rondoniensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 210kg)
††Tapirus tarijensis Source (Not in phylacine database)
Tapirus terrestris - Lowland Tapir (Phylacine approved, Mass 210kg)
††Aenocyon dirus - Dire Wolf Source
Chrysocyon brachyurus - Maned Wolf (not megafauna nor megafauna hunter)
††Dusicyon avus Source (Probably not megafauna hunter)(Corroborate diet)(Phylacine approved)
††*Protocyon orcesi Source (megafauna hunters?) (Treated as a synonym of P. troglodytes in some studies)(Not in phylacine database)
††Protocyon sp. nov Source (megafauna hunters?) (Never heard about again)(Not in phylacine database)
††Protocyon troglodytes Source (megafauna hunters?)(Phylacine approved)
††Speothos pacivorus Source (megafauna hunters?)(Not in phylacine database)
Speothos venaticus - Bush Dog (megafauna hunters)(Phylacine approved, corroborate diet)
††Arctotherium bonariense Source (Not in phylacine database)
††Arctotherium tarijense Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 140kg)
††Arctotherium wingei Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 740g)
Tremarctos ornatus - Spectacled Bear (Phylacine approved, Mass 140kg)
Pteronura brasiliensis - Giant Otter (almost megafauna sized, known to hunt caimans and anacondas)
††Panthera atrox - American Lion Source
Panthera onca - Jaguar
Puma concolor - Cougar
††Smilodon populator Source' (Phylacine approved, Mass 300kg)
††Smilodon fatalis (The big cats and their fossil relatives)(Rhys claims the temporal range doesn’t reach the LP In South America)(Study supporting this range source)
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris - Capybara (Phylacine approved, Mass 50kg)
Hydrochoerus isthmius - Lesser Capybara (not megafauna sized)
††Neochoerus aesopi - Giant Capybara Source
††Neochoerus sulcidens source (Rhys suggests this is probably a synonym of N. aesopi, whilst this seems possible, the literature appears to recognise it)(Not in phylacine dataset)
††Caipora bambuiorum Source (giant monkey, but not megafauna)
††Cartelles coimbrafilhoi Source (giant monkey, but not megafauna)
††Protopithecus brasiliensis Source (giant monkey, but not megafauna)
††*Macrauchenia ensenadensis (Middle Pleistocene Source)
††Macrauchenia patachonica Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 790kg)
††Xenorhinotherium bahiense Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 940kg)
††Neolicaphrium recens Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 47g)
††Mixotoxodon larensis Source
††*Piauhytherium capivarae Source (synonymous with T. lopesi, obscure taxa can’t find comments on its taxonomy only offhand mention)(Not in phylacine dataset)
††Toxodon platensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1600kg)
††Trigodonops lopesi Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 2300kg)
††Ahytherium aureum Source (not in phylacine dataset)
††Australonyx aquae Source (not in phylacine dataset)
††Diabolotherium nordenskioldi Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 69kg)
††Megistonyx oreobios Source (not in phylacine dataset)
††Eremotherium laurillardi Source
††Megatherium americanum Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 6300kg)
††Megatherium celendinense Source (Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) (not in phylacine dataset) Source
††Megatherium elenense Source(Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) (not in phylacine dataset) Source
††Megatherium medinae Source(Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) (not in phylacine dataset) Referred to as valid in this source
††Megatherium sundti Source (not in phylacine dataset)
††Megatherium tarijense Source(Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 3000kg)
††*Glossotheriopsis pascuali Source (Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) (Can’t corroborate)(not in phylacine dataset)
††Glossotherium robustum Source (Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) Recognised in this Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1700kg)
††Glossotherium tarijense Source (Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate)(not in phylacine dataset)
††Glossotherium tropicorum Source (Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) Source (not in phylacine dataset)
††Glossotherium wegneri Source (Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) Recognised in this Source (not in phylacine dataset)
††Lestodon armatus Source (Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 3400kg)
††Mylodon darwini Source (Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) (M. listai, M. insigne, and M. zeballozi, all considered synonymous taxa) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1400kg)
††Mylodonopsis ibseni Source (Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) (not in phylacine dataset)
††Ocnotherium giganteum Source (Bizarre source doesn’t evaluate) Used in this 2019 study, implying continued mainstream validity (not in phylacine dataset)
††Nothrotherium maquinense Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
††Catonyx chiliensis Source (not in phylacine dataset)
††Catonyx cuvieri Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 160kg)
††Catonyx tarijensis Source (not in phylacine dataset)
††Valgipes bucklandi Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 200kg)
Myrmecophaga tridactyla - Giant Anteater (not megafauna sized)
Priodontes maximus - Giant armadillo (Phylacine approved, Mass 45kg)
††Eutatus seguini Source (Size? Somewhere near the fuzzy zone by the looks of specimen)
††Pachyarmatherium brasiliense Source (Size?)
††Holmesina majus Source (Rhys suggests synonymy with all three Holmesina, however literature consensus seems to be these three species)(Not in phylacine dataset)
††Holmesina occidentalis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 200kg)
††Holmesina paulacoutoi Source (Synonymy with H. majus has been suggested, but no consensus)(Phylacine approved, Mass 220kg)
††Pampatherium humblodti Source (Rhys suggests synonymy with both pampatherium species, however literature consensus seems to be these two species) (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
††Pampatherium typum Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 200kg)
††Doedicurus clavicaudatus Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1500kg)
††Glyptodon elongatus Source Source (not in phylacine database)
††*Glyptodon munizi Source (Middle Pleistocene) (not in phylacine database)
††Glyptodon reticulatus Source Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 860kg)
††Glyptotherium cylindricum Source Possibly Glyptotherium texanum like the North American Glyptotherium Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 560kg)
††Neosclerocalyptus paskoensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 200kg)
††Panochtus frenzelianus Source (Not in phylacine database)
††Panochthus hipsilis Source (Not in phylacine database)
††Panochtus tuberculatus Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1000kg)
††Cuvieronius hyodon Source
††Notiomastodon platensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 6200kg)
Alligatoridae - Alligators and Caimans
Caiman crocodilus - Spectacled Caiman
Caiman latirostris - Broad-snouted Caiman
Caiman yacare - Yacaré
Melanosuchus niger - Black Caiman
Paleosuchus palpebrosus - Dwarf Caiman (not megafauna sized)
Paleosuchus trigonatus - Smooth-fronted Caiman (not quite megafauna sized)
Crocodylidae - Crocodiles
Crocodylus acutus - American Crocodile
Crocodylus intermedius - Orinoco Crocodile
Boidae - Boas
Eunectes murinus - Green Anaconda
Eunectes notaeus - Yellow Anaconda
Testudinidae - Tortoises
††Chelonoidis lutzae - Lutz’s Giant Tortoise Source
††Psilopterus sp. Source (Not megafauna sized, only 5kg but interesting all the same)
Rheidae - Rheas
Rhea americana - Greater Rhea (not quite megafauna sized)
Rhea pennata - Lesser Rhea (Not megafauna sized)
Rhea tarapacensis - Puna Rhea (Not megafauna sized)
††Diprotodon optatum Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 2700kg)
††*Hulitherium thomasettii Source (Flannery & Plane 1996) (Undated) (Not in phylacine dataset)
††*Kukaodonta robusta (Mackness 2010) Source (Undated) (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Maokopia ronaldi Source (Found at nombe rockshelter, though this is a fairly contentious site)(Phylacine approved, Mass 100kg)
††*Nototherium mitchelli Source (Undated)(Not in phylacine dataset)
††Zygomaturus trilobus Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 500kg)
††Palorchestes azael Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 500kg)
††Palorchestes parvus (Price et al 2011) Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Thylacoleo carnifex - Marsupial Lion Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 110kg)
††*Lasiorhinus angustidens Source (Probably not megafauna)
Lasiorhinus krefftii - Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat (not megafauna)
Lasiorhinus latifrons - Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat (not megafauna)
††Phascolonus gigas source (Phylacine approved, Mass 200kg)
††*Ramsayia magna Source (Undated) (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Sedophascolomys sp. source
††Vombatus medius (Probably not megafauna) (Source?)
Vombatus ursinus - Common Wombat (not megafauna)
††Vombatus hacketti - Hacket’s Wombat (Prideaux 2010) (Not megafauna) Source
††*Warendja wakefieldi (Brewer 2011) Source (Undated)
††Propleopus oscillans Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 40kg)
††*Bohra paulae Source (Undated)
††*Congruus congrous Source (Undated)
††Congruus kitcheneri (Prideaux 2010) Source (Middle Pleistocene, though one occurrence in late pleistocene site)(Not in phylacine database)
††Macropus ferragus (Roberts et al 2001) Source (Rhys suggested synonymity with Macropus giganteus, but literature tends to maintain as distinct species, referenced in this 2020 study source)(Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
Macropus fuliginosus - Western Grey Kangaroo (Not megafauna)
Macropus giganteus - Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Not megafauna in phylacine, keeping due to size reduction since Pleistocene)
††*Macropus pearsoni - Source source (Undated, obscure source)
††*Macropus piltonensis - Source source (Undated, obscure source)
††*Macropus thor - Source source (Undated, obscure source)
Macropus rufus - Red Kangaroo (Phylacine approved, Mass 46kg)
††Metasthenurus newtonae Source (Prideaux 2010)(Phylacine approved, Mass 55kg)
††Notamacropus sp. Source (Giant species)(Not in phylacine dataset)
††Procoptodon browneorum Source (Prideaux 2010) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 50kg)
††Procoptodon gilii Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 54kg)
††Procoptodon goliath Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 230kg)
††Procoptodon oreas Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 100kg)
††*Procoptodon pusio (Prideaux 2004) Source (undated)
††*Procoptodon rapha(Prideaux 2004) Source (undated) (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
††Protemnodon anak(Turney 2008) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 130kg)
††Protemnodon brehus Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 110kg)
††Protemnodon hopei (Hope 1992) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 45kg)
††Protemnodon nombe(Mountain 1991) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 40kg)
††Protemnodon roechus (Prideaux 2010) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 170kg)
††Protemnodon tumbuba (Mountain 1991) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 50kg)
††Simosthenurus maddocki(Macken et al 2011) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 50kg)
††Simosthenurus occidentalis (Prideaux 2010) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 120kg)
††*Simosthenurus brachyselensis (Prideaux 2004) Source (Undated) (Not in phylacine dataset)
††*Simosthenurus euryskaphus (Prideaux 2004) Source (Undated) (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Simosthenurus pales (Prideaux 2010) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
††Sthenurus andersoni (Prideaux 2010) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 72kg)
††Sthenurus atlas (Roberts et al 2001) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
††*Sthenurus murrayi (Prideaux 2004) Source (Undated)(Not in phylacine dataset)
††Sthenurus stirlingi (Roberts et al 2001) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 170kg)
††Sthenurus tindalei (Roberts et al 2001) Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 130kg)
††*Tropsodon kenti (Flannery & Archer 1982) source Source (Undated)
Sarcophilus harrisii - Tasmanian Devil (not megafauna sized, not megafauna hunter)
††*Sarcophilus moornaensis Source (not megafauna sized, not megafauna hunter)(mid pleistocene)
††Thylacinus cynocephalus - Thylacine/Tasmanian Tiger (not megafauna sized, megafauna hunter?)
††Zaglossus hacketti Source (not quite megafauna sized)
††Varanus priscus - Megalania Source
†*Varanus komodoensis Source (only till mid pleistocene, records afterwards are lacking)
††Varanus sp. Source (Komodo dragon-sized)
††Wonambi naracoortensis Source
Crocodylus johnstoni - Freshwater Crocodile
Crocodylus novaguineae - New Guinean Crocodile
Crocodylus porosus - Saltwater Crocodile
††Paludirex vincenti Source
††Quinkana fortirostrum source
††*Meiolania sp. Source Source (late-middle pleistocene)
††*Ninjemys oweni Source Source (undated)
††Genyornis Newtoni Source
Casuarius casuarius - Southern Cassowary
Casuarius unappendiculatus - Northern Cassowary
Dromaius novahollandiae - Emu
North Atlantic Islands
††Centrochelys burchardi - Tenerife Giant Tortoise (middle pleistocene) Source
Mediterranean Islands
††Bos primigenius - Aurochs source
††Myotragus balearicus - Balearic Islands cave goat source (not megafauna)
††Candiacervus cretensis (Phylacine approved, Mass 80kg) source (species number of Candiacervus is unclear)
††Candiacervus dorothensis (Phylacine approved, Mass 540kg) source (species number of Candiacervus is unclear)
††Candiacervus major (Phylacine approved, Mass 710kg) source (species number of Candiacervus is unclear)
††Candiacervus rethymnensis (Phylacine approved, Mass 220kg) source (species number of Candiacervus is unclear)
††Candiacervus sp. (Phylacine approved, Mass 430kg) source (species number of Candiacervus is unclear)
†Cervus canadensis source
Cervus elaphus source
††Dama carburangelensis source
††Megaceroides/Praemegaceros cazioti source/source
††*Hippopotamus melitensis - Maltese Hippopotamus source (Unclear dating, may have gone extinct during the late middle pleistocene)
††*Hippopotamus pentlandi source (Unclear dating, may have gone extinct during the late middle pleistocene)
††Phanourios minutes source (Middle Pleistocene)(Phylacine approved, Mass 200kg)
Suidae - Pigs
Sus scrofa - Wild Boar source
†Equidae - Horses
††Equus hydruntinus - European Wild Ass source
†Canis lupus - Grey Wolf source
††Cynotherium sardous - Sardinian Dhole Source (not megafauna sized, megafauna hunter?)
Ursidae - Bears
†Ursus arctos source
††Sardolutra ichnusae Source (Giant otter, not megafauna sized, probably not megafauna hunter)
†Crocuta crocuta - Spotted Hyaena source
††Palaeoloxodon creutzburgi - Cretan Dwarf Elephant Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Palaeoloxodon cypriotes - Cypriot Dwarf Elephant Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 200kg)
††Palaeoloxodon mnaidriensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 1100kg)
††Palaeoloxodon tiliensis source (Phylacine approved, Mass 810kg)
††Mammuthus lamarmorae - Sardinian Dwarf Elephant Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Palaeoloxodon sp. Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Centrochelys robusta - Maltese Giant Tortoise (Only known from Middle Pleistocene) Source
Bison sp. Source
Capricornis crispus - Japanese Serow (Not megafauna, in phylacine dataset)
††Capreolus miyakoensis (In Phylacine database)(Source is obscure Japanese paper, can’t find online, other paper is in Japanese)(Not megafauna)
Cervus nippon - Sika Deer
Search name in:
††Sinomegaceros yabei Source
Sus scrofa - Wild Boar
†Canis lupus - Grey Wolf
Ursus arctos - Brown Bear
Ursus thibetanus - Asian Black Bear
†Crocuta crocuta - Spotted Hyena Source
†Panthera pardus - Leopard Source
††Mammuthus primigenius - Woolly Mammoth Source
††Palaeoloxodon naumanni Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 2200kg)
††Bubalus cebuensis Source
Bubalus mindorensis - Tamaraw (Phylacine approved, Mass 220kg)
Axis calamianensis - Calamian (Hog) Deer (only found on Calamian islands in Palawan)(Should be in Philippines?) (Phylacine approved, Mass 40kg)
Rusa alfredi - Philippines Spotted Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 48kg)
Rusa marianna - Philippine Deer (Phylacine approved, Mass 50kg)
Suidae - Pigs
Sus ahoenobarbus - Palawan bearded pig (May recently have diverged from the Bornea bearded pig) (Phylacine approved, Mass 57kg)
Sus cebifrons - Visayan warty pig (Not megafauna)
Sus oliveri - Oliver’s warty pig (Phylacine approved, Mass 45kg)
Sus philippensis - Philippine warty pig (Phylacine approved, Mass 44kg)
††*Rhinoceros philippinensis - Philippine Rhinoceros Source & Dispute (Undated and origins unclear)(Not in phylacine database)
Manidae - Pangolins
Manis culionensis - Philippines Pangolin (not megafauna sized)
Hominidae - Great Apes
††Homo luzonensis source (Probably not megafauna sized, megafauna hunters?)
††*Elephas beyeri - Philippine Dwarf Elephant Source (additional Source Needed to corroborate survival past middle Pleistocene)(Not in phylacine database)
Pythonidae - Pythons
Malayopython reticulatus - Reticulated Python
Crocodylus mindorensis - Philippine Crocodile
Crocodylus porosus - Saltwater Crocodile
Wallacea (may subdivide)
Bubalus depressicornis - Lowland anoa (Phylacine approved, Mass 88kg)
††Bubalus grovesi source (Phylacine approved, Mass 120kg)
Bubalus quarlesi - Mountain anoa (Phylacine approved, Mass 76kg)
Suidae - Pigs
Babyrousa babyrussa - Buru Babirusa (Phylacine approved, Mass 100kg)
Babyrousa celebensis - North Sulawesi Babirusa (Phylacine approved, Mass 84kg)
Babyrousa togeanensis - Togian Babirusa (Phylacine approved, Mass 110kg)
††*Celebochoerus heekereni Source Specimen has not been dated, but is assumed Middle-Late Pleistocene (Not in phylacine dataset)
Sus celebensis - Celebes warty pig (Phylacine approved, Mass 55kg)
Hominidae - Great Apes
††Homo floresiensis source (Probably not megafauna sized, megafauna hunters?)
††Stegodon florensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 850kg)
Varanidae - Monitor Lizards
Varanus komodoensis - Komodo Dragon
Pythonidae - Pythons
Malayopython reticulatus - Reticulated Python
Python bivittatus - Burmese Python
Crocodylus porosus - Saltwater Crocodile
††Megalochelys sp. - Timor Giant Tortoise Source
Western Indian Ocean Islands
††Aldabrachampsus dilophus Source
††Aldabrachelys (gigantea) daudinii - Daudin’s Giant Tortoise Source
Aldabrachelys gigantea - Aldabra Giant Tortoise
††Aldabrachelys sp. - Glorieuse Giant Tortoise Source
††Cylindraspis indica - Reunion Giant Tortoise Source
††Cylindraspis vosmaeri - Rodrigues Giant Saddleback Tortoise Source
††Cylindraspis inepta - Mauritius Giant Domed Tortoise Source
††Cylindraspis triserrata - Mauritius Giant Flat-shelled Tortoise Source
††Hippopotamus lemerlei Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 5000kg)
††Hippopotamus madagascariensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 5000kg)
††Archaeolemuridae - Monkey Lemurs / Bamboo Lemurs
††Archaeolemur edwardsi Source (Not megafauna)
††Archaeolemur majori Source (Not megafauna)
††Hadropithecus stenognathus Source (Not megafauna)
††Palaeopropithecidae - Sloth Lemurs
††Archaeoindris fontoynontii Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 160kg)
††Palaeopropithecus ingens Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 42kg)
††Palaeopropithecus maximus Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 46kg)
††Palaeopropithecus sp. Source (Not in phylacine dataset)
††Megaladapidae - Koala Lemurs
††Megaladapis edwardsi Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 85kg)
††Megaladapis grandidieri Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 74kg)
††Megaladapis madagascariensis Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 47kg)
Eupleridae - Malagasy mongooses
††Cryptoprocta spelea - Giant Fossa Source (not megafauna, may have been megafauna hunter)
*Crocodylus niloticus - Nile crocodile Source (May me a recent immigrant after the extinction of Voay robustus)
††Voay robustus Source
††Aldabrachelys abrupta - Madagascar Giant Tortoise Source
††Aldabrachelys grandidieri - Grandidier’s Giant Tortoise Source
††Aepyornithidae - Elephant Birds
††Aepyornis maximus - Giant Elephant Bird Source
††Aepyornis hildebranti Source
††Mullerornis modestus Source
††*Vorombe titan Source (Not LP species)
Channel Islands
††Mammuthus exilis - Pygmy Mammoth Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 760kg)
Caribbean (may subdivide)
††Heptaxodontidae - Giant Hutias
††Amblyrhiza inundata - Blunt-toothed giant hutia Source (Fossils are only dated from Middle-Pleistocene, but it may have survived longer. Fossils are rare)(Phylacine approved, Mass 930kg)
††Quemisia gravis - Twisted-toothed giant hutia Source (Can’t get a good idea of size on this one, may not be megafauna)
††Acratocnus ye Source
††Megalocnus rodens Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 150kg)
††Neocnus comes Source (not megafauna)
††*Neocnus dousman Source (not megafauna)
††Neocnus toupiti Source (Very small, not megafauna)
††Parocnus browni Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 69kg)
††Parocnus serus Source (Phylacine approved, Mass 53kg)
††*Paulocnus petrifactus Source Source (not dated)(Not in phylacine dataset)
Crocodylus acutus - American Crocodile
Crocodylus rhombifer - Cuban Crocodile
††Chelonoidis cubensis - Cuba Giant Tortoise Source
††Chelonoidis sombrerensis - Sombrero Giant Tortoise Source
††Chelonoidis sp. - Caicos Giant Tortoise Source
††Chelonoidis sp 2. - Curaçao Giant Tortoise Source
Falkland Islands
††Dusicyon australis - Falklands Wolf/Warrah Source (not megafauna, megafauna hunter?)
††Chelonoidis abingdonii - Pinta Giant Tortoise Source
Chelonoidis becki - Wolf Volcano Giant Tortoise
Chelonoidis chathamensis - San Cristóbal Giant Tortoise
Chelonoidis darwini - Santiago Giant Tortoise
Chelonoidis donfaustoi - Eastern Santa Cruz Giant Tortoise
Chelonoidis duncanensis - Pinzón Giant Tortoise
Chelonoidis guntheri - Sierra Negra Giant Tortoise
Chelonoidis hoodensis - Española Giant Tortoise
Chelonoidis microphyes - Volcán Darwin Giant Tortoise
††Chelonoidis nigra - Floreana Giant Tortoise Source
†?Chelonoidis phantastica - Fernandina Giant Tortoise (Sinlge specimen rediscovered, status unclear)
Chelonoidis porteri - Western Santa Cruz Giant Tortoise
††Chelonoidis sp - Santa Fé Giant Tortoise Source
Chelonoidis vandenburghi - Volcán Alcedo Giant Tortoise
Chelonoidis vicina - Cerro Azul Giant Tortoise
New Zealand
††Hieraaetus moorei - Haasts Eagle Source
††Aptornithidae - Adzebills
††Aptornis defossor - South Island adzebill (Only 15-20kg)
††Aptornis otidiformis - North Island adzebill (Only 15-20kg)
††Dinornithidae - Giant Moas
††Dinornis novaezealandiae - North Island Giant Moa Source
††Dinornis Robustus - South Island Giant Moa Source
††Megalapterygidae - Upland Moas
††Megalapteryx didinus - Upland Moa Source
††Anomalopteryx didiform - Bush Moa Source
††Emeus crassus - Eastern Moa Source
††Euryapteryx curtus - Coastal Moa Source
††Pachyornis australis- Crested Moa Source
††Pachyornis elephantopus - Heavy-footed Moa Source
††Pachyornis geranoides - Mantell’s Moa Source
††Varanus sp. Source
Crocodylus porosus - Saltwater Crocodile
††Mekosuchus inexpectatus source
††Mekosuchus kalpokasi Source
††Volia athollandersoni Source
††Meiolania damelipi - Efate Giant Horned Turtle Source
††Meiolania mackayi - Walpole Giant Horned Turtle Source
††Meiolania platyceps - Lord Howe Giant Horned Turtle Source
††Meiolaniidae sp. - Fijian Giant Horned Turtle Source
††Sylviornis neocaledoniae (not quite megafauna)